9.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome by Luigi Dei, Rector of the University of Florence
Luca Mannori, Director of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Florence
10.15 Introduction by Luigi Burroni, Airmulp project coordinator, University of Florence
THE RESEARCH FINDINGS: Active inclusion and industrial relations from a multi-level governance perspective
10.30 – 11.00 Active inclusion at the European level: Actors, Discourses and Policies – Maarten Keune, Noëlle Payton, University of Amsterdam
11.00- 11-30 Activation, industrial relations and inclusive labour markets in Europe: a comparative overview – Luigi Burroni, Gemma Scalise, University of Florence
11.30 – 12.00 coffee-break
12.00-12-30 Trends in active inclusion policy in Italy and Spain – Oscar Molina, Alejandro Godino, Autonomous University of Barcelona
12.30-13.00 Activation strategies and role of social partners: UK, France, Poland and Sweden in comparative perspective – Guglielmo Meardi, Manuela Galetto, Warwick Business School, Anna Mori, University of Milan
13.00-13.30 Active inclusion in six European regions – Andrea Bellini, Laura Leonardi, Gemma Scalise, University of Florence
13.30 Lunch
POLICY-LAB: The challenges for activation after the crisis
14.30 – 15.15 Debating the research findings I – The academic perspective
Roberto Pedersini, University of Milan and Roberto Rizza, University of Bologna
15.15 - 16.45 Debating the research findings II – The stakeholders’ perspective
Discussion with invited stakeholders from European countries: Sławomir Adamczyk – NSZZ Solidarność, Poland; Anne Eydoux - Centre d'études de l'emploi et du travail, France; Staffan Lindström – LO -The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, Sweden; Luís Torrens Mèlich – Ajuntament de Barcelona, Spain
Discussion with unionists and employers’ associations, output from focus groups: Dalida Angelini – CGIL, Riccardo Cerza – CISL, Antonio Chelli - Legacoop, Fabrizio Fantappiè – Confartigianato, Daniele Gioffredi – CGIL, Fabio Giovagnoli IRES CGIL, Luigi Lama- Centro Studi CISL, Francesca Ricci – ISTEL CISL, Giovanni Rizzuto – FEMCA CISL, Laura Simoncini – Confartigianato, Monica Stelloni – CGIL.
16.45 – 17.30 FINAL REMARKS - Luigi Burroni, University of Florence - Maarten Keune, University of Amsterdam – Guglielmo Meardi, Warwick Business School - Oscar Molina, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Video Pills on industrial relations and labour market regulation: Susanna Camusso - CGIL, Jon Erik Dølvik - FAFO, Susan Hayten - ILO, Paul Marginson - University of Warwick, Valeria Pulignano - University of Leuven